Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Сода за хляб/бикарбонат - baking soda

Много рецепти за печива изискват сода бикарбонат. В тях обикновено има и някаква кисела течност като - кисело мляко или суроватка, която в реакция със содата да предизвика набухване на печивото. Не е необходимо обаче киселината съставка да е течност. Такава може да е и

  • кафявата захар,
  • меласа или
  • кисели плодове - бананите в банановия хляб

Количество - обикновено се използва сода бикарбонат достатъчно да балансира киселината на тестото.

1/4 чл сода бикарбонат с 1/2 чч сурватка,  ябълково пютре или 1 смачкан банан (забележка - банана трябвада да е току що узрял, после киселиността му намалява) са способни да набухнат 1 чч брашно.

Сода бикарбонат обикновено се използва при приготвянето на курабии.


Бакпулвер - baking powder

Много рецепти също така изискват просто бакпулвер вместо сода бикарбона. Хората често предпочитат бакпполвера пред маята поради бързината му. Можеш да забъркаш доза за бисквити и да ги изядеш след 15 мин.

Baking powder is normally made of three different parts:

  • An acid
  • A base
  • A filler of some sort

For example, three common ingredients are

  • baking soda (a base),
  • cream of tartar (an acid) and
  • corn starch (the filler)

When you add water to baking powder, the dry acid and base go into solution and start reacting to produce carbon dioxide bubbles.

  • Single-acting baking powder produces all of its bubbles when it gets wet.
  • Double-acting baking powder produces bubbles again when it gets hot.The most commonly used baking powder is the double-acting, which can be readily found in any grocery store. The other two are becoming increasingly difficult to find. Be sure to read labels carefully to determine which type you are working with.

If you want to prove that the baking powder is fresh, simply mix a 1tsp of baking powder into a cup of hot water. The mixture should bubble enthusiastically. If it does not, toss it out. Be sure to thoroughly mix baking powder with other dry ingredients before adding any liquid.

Generally 1tsp of baking powder leavens 1cup of flour. In the case of recipes like banana bread which contain heavy ingredients, such as bananas and sometimes heavy grains like wheat germ or whole wheat flour, this may be increased to 1 1/2 or 2 teaspoons of baking powder per cup of flour.

Now that you understand two things you often see in recipes:

  1. Many recipes instruct you to mix all of the dry ingredients together and then add the liquid. That keeps the baking powder from reacting until the end of the mixing process.
  2. Many recipes tell you to mix only briefly -- just until the ingredients are moistened। That minimizes the escape of the gas from the batter. If you were to stir for a long time, the reaction would end and the stirring would have allowed the bubbles to escape.

Baking powder is a common ingredient in cakes and biscuits.

Мая - yeast

When yeast grows more slowly, we find the richer, fuller flavor of breads made with retarded dough. In the previous article, we discussed a focaccia that uses refrigeration to slow down the growth of the yeast and create the desired crumb and flavor. Is it a good bread without retarding? Yes, but retarding does give it desirable flavor overtones and a more open crumb.

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Tuscola, il, United States
Currently, I am an MBA student at EIU. This blog will follow my studies in Corporate taxation